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Technical Issues

Javascript not enabled
Our website will not function properly if you don't have javascript enabled in your browser. In particular you wil not be able to add items to your basket or proceed through the checkout stage.

Our website uses javascript because
- It allows users to add items to their shopping basket without having to relaod the page every time.
- It brings a better all round shopping experience

Usually this we find customers with this problem are using the Internet Explorer browser. To remedy this you will need to change your broswer security setting to Medium-High. Follow menu Tools | Internet Options. Select the Security Tab and change the secuirty zone to Medium-High and select ok.

Some corporate environments will enforce very highest security settings in browsers and will not allow staff to have Javascript enabled. To our customers caught in this predicament, we are sorry, but we no immediate plans to redevelop the site so that it works in a non javsacript enabled environment.

Check Your Settings
You can check that your browser has the correct settings for our site to work by clicking on this link: Check Settings Now

It checks some settings of your browser to determine if it allows JavaScript, Cookies, etc that are required for our website to work.