For those that prefer the slightly sweeter taste compared to other yeast spreads.
This spread is made from vegetable and yeast extracts.
Product Information
Product Weight:
458g *
Expected Shelf Life:
at least 180 days
- email us to check the best before date of our current stock
* The weight of your order is calculated by adding 5% for any packing material, and then adding the weight of the cardboard box. Depending on the size of your order, a larger/heavier box weight may be added.
By Jerzed First got a taste of Promite when I was working for an Australian customer. I was hooked immediately. I like Marmite, but Promite has a much more balanced, sweeter flavour and not too salty. Spread it thick on hot buttered crumpets or toast. Absolutely delighted I'm the only one at home who likes it, as I get it all. I always keep a spare jar in the house. Thanks Sanza...
By Beverley Best spread ever! Whoever invented this jar of deliciousness, I’d like to tell them their bloods worth bottling! Awesome with avocado on toast!
By Sarah Meredith Tried Promite for the 1st time in 1985 whilst on a working holiday down under.Have managed hell or high water to locate supplies since as instantly fell in love with it.Far superior to Marmite.
By Michael Chick First introduced to Promite 24 years ago when I was in Hobart I was so pleased to find a yeast and vegetable spread that didn't sear the skin of the mouth like some others. Well, from that day I was pleasantly 'hooked'. Back home in the UK I was so pleased to find that I could buy it, and continue to enjoy it on my toast nearly every morning for breakfast. Whilst I couldn't go without my tea or coffee, I also find that when I want something different to drink I simply put a spoonful into a mug and add boiling water - really comforting! Yum!
By M Chick I've been eating Promite for the past 21 years, and nearly every morning I have some on either toast or Ryvita. Eaten with a good coleslaw it is fantastic. Much less harsh tham Marmite slightly sweeter, and much less salty. Love it!
By C I used to get promite sent over annually by understanding pro-promite aussie friends. (and have it stolen regularly by my daughter) Now we both buy it when-ever we like. Wonderful. Thank you SANZA for saving family relationships!
By Richard Evans My nan has been bring Promite back from oz since as far as I can remember! Beats all other yeast extract products available! Awesome on toast & in brown bread sandwich with lettuce!! Can never get enough!!!
By Katie Still dreaming for a beef & salad, with a good spread of promite, brown bread sandwich ...... remains as the unbeaten toasted sandwich ingredients fourteen years on .....and the yearning for it deepens!!
By mr Promite is unique and delicious. I love it on rice cakes with avocado, or as a drink on a cold wet day.
'Best Before' dates (not to be confused with 'Use By' dates found on products such as fresh meat and fish) are simply a manufacturers guideline concerned to a products quality.
Often companies like Bluebird and Smiths stamp their products with short dates for commercial reasons rather then any accurate reflection of actual food quality.
We find most goods are perfectly good to eat for many months after.
For more information and any legalities clarification visit the Food Standards Agency website.
Note: We check our stock everyday, so if you see the best before date displayed then that is what you should receive.
You should note that products and their ingredients are subject to change. Whilst we try to make sure they are accurate as possible, it is not a substitute for you reading the product packaging and label prior to use. Sanza is therefore unable to accept liability for any incorrect information. If you do require precise ingredient information you should should consult the manufacturer, or contact us before purchase and we will try to aid you as much as possible. You should also note that product image above is only for illustrative purposes, as the product packaging can also change from time to time.>
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